The Farrow Copper Industrial Mirror from Uttermost, crafted by the talented designer John Kowalski, embodies a sleek and sophisticated aesthetic. Its simple design is elevated by the solid iron frame enveloped in elegant copper cladding, lending a touch of refinement to any space. The 3-dimensional frame adds depth and visual intrigue to the mirror, enhancing its overall appeal. Additionally, the generous 1 1/4" bevel further enhances the mirror's style and quality. Versatile in its orientation, this mirror can be hung horizontally or vertically to suit your interior design preferences.
Simple In Design Yet Refined In Style, This Mirror Is Accented By A Solid Iron Frame Dressed In A Copper Cladding. The 3-dimensional Frame Brings Additional Interest To The Design And Is Complemented By A Generous 1 1/4" Bevel. May Be Hung Horizontal Or Vertical.
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"Mirrors from Uttermost - mirrors that shine with the latest designs"