The Rosewood Garden Bouquet by Uttermost is a stunning floral arrangement that exudes elegance and charm. This exquisite bouquet features a harmonious blend of lifelike roses and delicate greenery, creating a captivating display of natural beauty. Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space, this arrangement is meticulously crafted with attention to detail, making it a timeless and versatile decor piece. Whether placed in a living room, dining area, or bedroom, the Rosewood Garden Bouquet is sure to elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home and bring a sense of warmth and refinement to your surroundings.
An Airy Mix As If Freshly Cut From The Garden, Featuring Cream Hydrangeas, Roses, Eucalyptus Placed Into A Glass Vase With Faux Water.
Note that the Materials list above may not be complete. Please inquire if this is important to you and needs clarification.
Unless otherwise specified, all measurements are in inches.
Please note this item is subject to minor imperfections due to the natural material used and the handcraft process. These minor imperfections are standard characteristics of the beautifully detailed product and are to be accepted as normal and part of its own unique character.
CBM | 0.024 |
PACKAGE 1 DIMENSIONS (cm) | 36 x 26 x 26 |
PACKAGE 1 WEIGHT | 2.72 kg |
"Botanicals from Uttermost - bringing life to interior styling"